At Navi, we track all the iPhone 16 promotional permutations and pricing trends to help shoppers find the best phone deals.
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For wireless industry insiders like tech journalists and data analysts, these Apple iPhone 16 price trend pages are just the tip of the insights we can provide.
The chart above shows the average iPhone 16 price after promotion since pre-orders began on September 13, 2024, taking into account and combining all trade-in values, storage capacity options, and available discounts for current customers and switchers. This price trends page is designed to help put today’s promotional prices into historical context to assess whether now is a good time to buy the iPhone 16 compared to the past.
If the current price is lower than the trailing price, now is a good time to buy on average.
Note: the retail price of the iPhone 16 shown is the lowest retail price currently available.
Our Methodology
Navi leverages its comprehensive database of industry promotion and pricing data in its price trend analysis to provide wireless insights within a volatile promotional context.
We use a sophisticated algorithm to derive average promotional prices for each device, factoring in the details of every combination of trade-in, plan requirement, payment term, and other variables that inform device pricing across the major wireless providers and retailers. Our algorithm also takes into account the likelihood of various consumer scenarios and applies appropriate weighting—for example, a relatively uncommon trade-in device does not contribute as much to the average net price. Because these data have been collected across multiple years, Navi can form a longitudinal view of each device's pricing, and each day provide a suggestion for whether current pricing is above or below the historical trend.
More Price Trend Data
For tech journalists and data analysts interested in how promotional price trends vary between existing and new customers across carriers, we track that info too. For additional insights, email us at: