Verizon myPlan: What is It and How Does It Work?

Cell phone carriers have historically offered a fixed set of perks with their plans, with streaming, gaming, and cloud storage subscriptions that you can’t swap in or out. But what if you could pick and choose the add-ons you want? With Verizon’s myPlan, you can.
Verizon’s myPlan lets you select from three unlimited plans, then choose from a list of 11 perks, each of which cost $10/month. These include everything from a Disney streaming bundle to an Apple One subscription to 100GB of mobile hotspot data. While AT&T has a similar mix-and-match option, Verizon’s myPlan allows you to get much more specific as to what you want included with your plan. With myPlan, you're also eligible for a $10 per line Verizon autopay discount.
In this article, we’ll break down Verizon myPlan, tell you whether you can save money with it, and compare it to other unlimited plans on the market.
What is Verizon myPlan?
Verizon’s myPlan is a new spin on an old idea—the customizable cell phone plan. With myPlan, you can select one of three unlimited plans, and then choose which add-ons you want included.
The three base unlimited plans include:
Unlimited Welcome is the most stripped down of the three plans, featuring basic 5G coverage. Unlimited Plus and Unlimited Ultimate offer faster 5G Ultra Wideband coverage, plus an higher allotments of hotspot data. All of these plans go down in price as you add lines, and you can choose whichever plan you like for each line.
From here, you have a list of extras to choose from. For example, here’s what’s available at the time of the writing of this article:
- YouTube Premium
- Disney Bundle (Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+)
- Netflix & Max (With Ads)
- Apple One (Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and iCloud+)
- Walmart+ membership
- Apple Music Family
- Additional 100 GB of Mobile Hotspot
- $15 monthly credit for +play subscriptions like Netflix, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Max, Paramount+, and Master Class
- Additional 2TB of cloud storage
- 3 TravelPass days
Note that Verizon adds and removes perks from time to time, so it’s a good idea to check our Plan Finder for the most up-to-date information.
When Did Verizon Launch myPlan?
Verizon officially launched myPlan on May 18th, 2023, supporting it with TV ads featuring the tagline, “Only pay for what you need.”
Verizon’s messaging has undoubtedly been a success—since its release last year, myPlan has added over 13.1 million new subscribers.
Verizon myPlan Cost
With Verizon myPlan, you could find yourself paying as little as $65/month, to well over $100 a month, depending on the plan, add-ons (at $10/month each), and number of lines you choose. Here’s how much the three base unlimited plans cost per line:
Say you go with a single line of the Unlimited Welcome plan, plus Netflix. In this case, you'll spend $65/month for Unlimited Welcome, plus $10/month for the Netflix perk, for a total of $75/month.
Alternatively, let’s say you choose four lines of the Unlimited Ultimate plan, plus the Disney Bundle for each line. In this instance, it's four lines at $55/month per line for Unlimited Ultimate, plus $10 a month for Disney Bundle, for a grand total of $230/month.
What about those with five or more lines? As of February 20, 2025, Verizon is no longer offering an additional $3 per line of savings for those with five+ lines, amounting to a $15 per month increase for five line accounts. The Verizon multi line discount shown in the chart above for four lines will become the price for anyone with four or more lines.
All of which is to say, myPlan gives you a number of different plan options—and price points—to choose from. One thing’s for sure, though: even with the customizability, Verizon’s plans remain among the most expensive on the market (more on that in the next section).
How Does Verizon myPlan Compare to Other Carriers?
Verizon isn’t the only major carrier to offer mix-and-match plans—AT&T’s Unlimited Your Way follows the same concept. So how do they stack up against each other?
Verizon myPlan vs. AT&T Unlimited Your Way
AT&T’s idea of mixing and matching only extends to allowing you to select different plans for each line you sign up for. Verizon, on the other hand, ups the ante by also allowing its subscribers to choose which add-ons they want to bundle with their plans.
Beyond this, AT&T’s Unlimited Your Way plans are slightly cheaper than Verizon’s three myPlan options. However, AT&T doesn’t include perks like streaming, gaming, or music subscriptions with its plans—that’s something the carrier has done away with.
Verizon myPlan vs. T-Mobile
T-Mobile is Verizon’s other major wireless competitor. Here’s how Verizon’s myPlan options compare with T-Mobile’s main unlimited plans.
T-Mobile’s unlimited plans make a respectable showing against Verizon’s. Comparing each carrier’s respective high-end offering, T-Mobile Go5G includes 50GB of hotspot data, plus free Apple TV+ and Netflix subscriptions, for $90/month.
Verizon’s Unlimited Ultimate features 60GB of hotspot data—10GB more than T-Mobile’s plan—but zero extras, for the same price. Adding two streaming subscriptions to the plan will take it to an expensive $110/month.
If you don’t care about Apple TV+ or Netflix, and don’t want to have to pay for them, going with Verizon’s plan might make sense. If not, may want to consider going with T-Mobile.
Is Verizon myPlan Worth It?
While Verizon made something of a splash when it unveiled myPlan—this is inevitable when you’re the biggest carrier in the land—some pundits looked at it suspiciously in terms of the actual savings it represented. Now that the dust has settled, let’s delve into it ourselves. Is Verizon myPlan really worth it?
The Cost of Verizon Perks vs Buying Them Separately
First, consider how much Verizon’s perks cost compared to just buying them on your own. A Disney Bundle Duo Premium subscription costs $19.99/month through Disney itself. Verizon offers this bundle for $10/month.
A Netflix Standard with Ads subscription costs $6.99/month on its own, while a Max (With Ads) subscription costs $9.99/month, for a total of $26.98. Verizon saves you money here once again, as these two subscriptions are only an extra $10/month with one of its unlimited base plans.
Lastly, an individual Apple One subscription, which includes Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and 50GB of iCloud storage, costs $19.95/month on its own, but is reduced to $10/month when you bundle it via Verizon myPlan. You’re saving money by getting it through Verizon.
You Can’t Unbundle
While Verizon undoubtedly prices these subscriptions favorably, the unfortunate fact is that you can’t unbundle them. Say, for example, you just want a monthly Netflix Standard with Ads subscription, and have no use for Max (With Ads). You’d save money by just signing up for the $6.99/month subscription on its own, and wouldn’t be stuck paying the extra $3/month for the Max subscription you weren’t actually interested in. The same applies to the Disney bundle offered by Verizon.
Should you Switch to myPlan from Your Current Verizon Plan?
If you’re on an older, “grandfathered” Verizon plan, you may be trying to decide whether Verizon myPlan is worth the leap. The short answer to that question is, well, it depends.
Some of Verizon’s older unlimited plans, like the $90/month 5G Get More, already feature perks that you don’t have to pay extra for—in this case, the Disney Bundle, Apple Arcade, and Apple Music. If you were to switch to a comparable myPlan option like the $90/month Unlimited Ultimate, and add these perks for $10/month, you’d end up paying $110 (the $10 Disney bundle, plus the $10 Apple One subscription which includes both Apple Arcade and Apple Music, along with Apple TV+). That’s even with the recent $4 price increase that Verizon applied to its older plans like 5G Get More back in February.
If you’re happy with your current Verizon plan, and don’t feel specifically compelled by any of the $10/month perk options the carrier is now offering, we advise staying put. However, if myPlan features some of the perks you’re already paying for independently of Verizon—or you just want to try some out—switching over to myPlan is something to consider.
The Bottom Line
While Verizon’s myPlan may not represent the level of savings suggested in the carrier’s advertising, it’s still an intriguing concept for those of us who are interested in having some flexibility in our cell phone plans. And at just $10 for each perk, Verizon’s add-ons will in most cases save you money over just going out and buying them separately.
However, this cost savings is offset somewhat by the high prices of Verizon’s plans—some of the highest on the cell phone market. Also, it may even end up costing you more to upgrade from an older Verizon plan and keep the perks you had before.
If you’re really trying to save money, you may be better served going with a smaller carrier, or MVNO, like Boost Mobile or Visible. Granted, going this route won’t give you access to Verizon’s superior coverage.
Want to see if Verizon myPlan makes sense for you? Our Plan Finder below provides a free, unbiased comparison of carrier phone plan deals based on the features that matter to you. We sort through thousands of wireless options to zero in on a handful of phone plans best suited to your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is myPlan on Verizon Wireless?
Verizon’s myPlan lets you select from three unlimited plans, then choose from a list of 11 perks, each of which cost $10/month. These include everything from a Disney streaming bundle to an Apple One subscription to 100GB of mobile hotspot data.
Do Verizon customers get Netflix for free?
No, Verizon customer do not get Netflix for free. However, you can sign up for Netflix (With Ads) for an extra charge via the carrier's myPlan add-on perks system.
Which perks are included with Verizon's myPlan?
Verizon's myPlan includes the following perks, each of which cost $10/month:
- YouTube Premium
- Disney Bundle (Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+)
- Netflix & Max (With Ads)
- Apple One (Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and iCloud+)
- Walmart+ membership
- Apple Music Family
- Additional 100 GB of Mobile Hotspot
- $15 monthly credit for +play subscriptions like Netflix, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Max, Paramount+, and Master Class
- Additional 2TB of cloud storage
- 3 TravelPass days
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